Montag 20.03.2023 20:30
Ryosuke & Ponomarev
1. Duo Ryosuke (drums) / Ponomarev (saxophone)
2. Ryosuke Kiyasu - snare drum solo
Ryosuke Kiyasu
Snare Drummer/Drummer
Ryosuke Kiyasu has been performing as a solo snare drummer since 2003 and has toured 55 countries.
also known drummer of his own leader band "SETE STAR SEPT", "Kiyasu Orchestra" and former founding member of "The Endless Blockade".
he has been working as a drummer for Keiji Haino's "Fushitsusha" for over 10 years. more than 200 works (including related works) have been released from
various labels around the world.
2018 His performance video in Berlin was viewed 23 million times and created a huge buzz around the world.
Featured BBC News in 2018
Feature article VICE France in 2016
Interviewed Taiwan's news paper "Taiwan Times"
Anton Ponomarev
Reed instruments and electronics player based in Zurich.
Works in the field of free improvised music, noise, drone, experimental and punk jazz.
In addition to many different collaborations with musicians from around the world, he also performs with Pussy Riot (Riot days show) and his core bands are: Ponomarev/Obrazeena MASSACRE, TEUFELSKELLER, Catatonic Leisure, Speedball trio, Dødsdromen, Sanscreed kanon, etc.
Ticket Price: 15 / 20 CHF
Tickets reservieren per Mail mit Datum, Name und Anzahl Tickets an reservation@walcheturm.ch
Türöffnung und Abendkasse ab 30 Min. vor Veranstaltungsbeginn, reservierte Tickets bitte spätestens 15 Min. vor Veranstaltungsbeginn abholen. Nur Barzahlung möglich.